13 Feb Teachers’ contest – International Day of Forests 2019
Send us a short video to let the world know how you teach future generations about the importance of forests and win a trip to Rome!
The 2019 theme for the International Day of Forests is ‘Forests and Education’ and we want the world to know how you educate children and youth about the importance of trees and forests. Today, when more than half the world’s population lives in cities and are increasingly disconnected from nature, it is more essential than ever to bring an understanding and awareness of forests and their benefits into children’s lives at an early age.
We’re inviting teachers and instructors to send us a short video that shows how you provide children with a foundation to better understand the importance of forests and trees for our planet’s future. This could be a video of a traditional class, a field trip into the forest, an art or music lesson or even a yoga class.
Your contribution will be posted on FAO’s website and the winner of the contest will join us at FAO headquarters in Rome to help celebrate the International Day of Forests on 21 March 2019 and to demonstrate how children and youth are taught about the importance of forests.
The deadline has been extended until 15 February 2019.
How do I enter?
To enter the contest, just follow these easy steps:
- Make a short video that shows how you teach children and youth about the importance of forests. The video should not exceed 1 minute and can be produced with any professional or non-professional device (smartphone, tablet, video camera). The image quality must be in High Definition (HD) or in Standard Definition (SD). Both are common image quality standards, which are usually provided in cameras and smartphones after the year 2000.
- Fill in the entry form.
More information: http://www.fao.org/international-day-of-forests/teachers-contest/en/